Android studio plugins menu
Android studio plugins menu

See the Content in Plugins section for more information. Plugins can have their own Content folder that contains Asset files specific to that Plugin. Plugins with code will have a Binaries folder that contains compiled code for that Plugin, and temporary build product files will be stored in a separate Intermediate folder under the Plugin's directory. See the Code in Plugins section for more information. Note that, although Plugins often contain code, this is not actually a requirement. This folder will contain one or more directories with module source code for the Plugin. Plugins with code will have a Source folder. You may need to restart the Editor for the change to take effect. You can enable or disable a Plugin for use with your active project by toggling the Enabled check box under the Plugin's description. The search control at the top will enable you to search Plugins displayed in the list by name.

android studio plugins menu

Plugins are displayed in the main list, along with each Plugin's name, icon, current version, text description, author (and optional web hyperlink), as well as whether or not the plugin is currently enabled. The number displayed next to a category indicates how many Plugins are available in that category. As you navigate through categories, a bread crumb trail displayed at the top of the UI will enable you to jump quickly to higher-level categories. Selecting a category will show all Plugins in that category as well as Plugins in any sub-category.

android studio plugins menu android studio plugins menu

You can browse categories of Plugins using the tree interface on the left. This interface displays all of the Plugins that are currently installed and can enable or disable Plugins individually. The Plugin Editor is accessible from the main 'Window' menu. You can see which Plugins are currently installed by opening the Plugin editing interface from the Edit menu.

android studio plugins menu

If you want to jump right in and create a Plugin now, please see the Creating New Plugins section. Many existing UE4 subsystems were designed to be extensible using Plugins. Plugins can add runtime gameplay functionality, modify built-in Engine features (or add new ones), create new file types, and extend the capabilities of the Editor with new menus, tool bar commands, and sub-modes. In UE4, Plugins are collections of code and data that developers can easily enable or disable within the Editor on a per-project basis. This page describes the development and management of Plugins for use with Unreal Engine 4 (UE4) tools and runtime. import a Plugin on the Epic Marketplace.

Android studio plugins menu